Buying a home

How bi-weekly mortgage payments can save you thousands

Bi-weekly mortgage payments are a great way to save some money. Read this article to learn the details of the payment plan and if you should or shouldn't do it.

2018 home buyers, should you buy now?

Recent news broke about wage growth and high inflation. Indicators are that interest rates will be increasing, so should you buy early in 2018? 

Concerning inspection results

Every inspection will result in a list of fixable items. Learn what the concerning inspection results are and when to take action.

All about earnest money?

Earnest money is a huge part of every residential real estate transaction. Learn what it is used for and how to protect it.

Should you rent or buy?

Buying isn't always the right move. Use these items to decide if it is the right time to buy your new home.

Questions to ask when your REALTOR is not at the showing in an HOA

Sometimes your REALTOR won't be able to make it to a showing with you. Make sure you understand what to ask when he or she is not present.

Understanding HOA's and how they work

Be prepared for expectations of an HOA if you buy into one. Many home in Chicago are part of an HOA. This article explains what to expect once you own in this type of building.

What does contingency mean in a home sale transaction?

Contingency is a common word but not everyone knows what it means. This article explains what contingent means and gives common examples of contingencies included in many contracts.

The inspection

The inspection is a very important step in buying a home. Prepare for your home buying process by learning about this important step!

Mortgages: more than you think!

A detailed article about what is included in a mortgage. It's more than you think!

Buying? Get your ducks in a row!

Looking to buy a home? This article details the steps you should take before getting out onto the streets. Follow these steps for the best chance of success!

Fed up with it!

A look at how The Federal Reserve affects our home buying and selling process. This post reviews the details in why The Fed is important.

2017 Q2 market forecast

A light review of what to expect moving into Q2 in the Chicago real estate market.